ToGo opening eyes

We collect for Togo, one of the poorest countries in the world.
We operate on cataracts and build an eye clinic in Vogan, Togo.


> 1000

successful eye surgeries


humanitarian deployments


  • → Over the next few years, we are planning humanitarian operations with eye surgeries in Togo.

  • → The new clinic in Vogan, Togo is under construction.


Fund an eye surgery


Construction of the new eye clinic in Vogan, Togo, is due to start soon.
Support the construction with the purchase of bricks!


Visualizations of the new clinic


We are active in Togo!

We document and tell everything about our experiences in Vogan, Togo in our diary.

We are continuously looking for:

Surgical staff/ recovery room staff for other assignments: Ophthalmic surgeons, surgical nurses, anesthesiologists, nurses, recovery room staff, and also adolescents to accompany us.

Seventh humanitarian mission

The 9th and 10th humanitarian mission in Togo took place in July and October 2023. Read more about our past missions here.

Foundation ToGo opening eyes

A Warm Welcome

We are planning to provide humanitarian aid by means of eye operations in Togo over the next several years. Togo is among the poorest nations in the world.

A big problem there is cataract, a clouding of the lens, which occurs at any age. This can be operated very well. Regardless of gender, race, skin color, language, religion, political views, national and social origin and ethnicity.

We are personally committed to a strong improvement of the living situation. Through personal contact with Father Théo from Togo, we want to get involved in Africa with an experienced surgical team.

Togo is one of the poorest countries in the world. According to the Human Development Index, Togos situation regarding school formation, life expectancy and wealth is miserable (rank 167 of 189, 31.03.22). Corruption, too, is a huge problem according to the Corruptions Perceptions Index (rank 128 of 180, 31.03.22). The poor local population can be helped a lot with eye operations. An eye operation (cataract) costs about 50 CHF.

Dr. Junghardt has some experience in developing countries, especially in India (Gujarat) and Mexico (Acapulco). In our next humanitarian work we would like to use your valuable support to help the people in Togo for the next 10 years.

Every donation helps

An eye operation gives a new quality of life!

Togo is one of the poorest countries in the world. The local population can be helped a lot with eye operations. An eye operation (cataract) costs about 50 CHF.

ToGo opening eyes

The future clinic in Vogan, Togo